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发布日期:2020-03-25    作者:系统管理员     点击:

A Letter to the Foreign Teachers and International Students of Chengdu Sport University

Dear Foreign Teachers&Students of CDSU,


Since the outbreak of COVID-19, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and with the strong support of the international community, all the people of China have worked hard with united spirit and gathered the powerful force to fight against the epidemic, and the prevention and control work has achieved positive results. Your concern, support, help and understanding are greatly appreciated.


At present, the global situation of COVID-19 epidemic is not optimistic yet. The new confirmed and suspected cases of some countries and regions are growing rapidly, creating the risk of spreading the epidemic through cross-border movement. Therefore, in order to further advance its prevention and control of COVID-19 and effectively safeguard the physical and mental health of foreign teachers and international students, it is requested to inform all of you now:


I. The Chinese government and Chengdu Sport University are extremely concerned about your physical and mental health. Please continuously keep in touch with International Office.
No matter where you are,in Chengdu or abroad, it is necessary to not relax vigilance, and please strengthen comprehensive prevention. Please maintain a scientific and healthy lifestyle and improve physical fitness. If you find yourself or the person around you appear suspected symptoms, please promptly report to your community and school and seek medical treatment.

II. Although the current stable epidemic prevention situation in China, the epidemic situation not over. At present, the schools at various levels in China have not yet opened. In order to ensure your safety, friendly reminder is as follows:

1.在蓉的外籍师生 请你们配合学校和社区、小区的管理,自觉接受实名验证及体温检测取消所有旅行计划。如遇到任何问题,请第一时间联系学校老师。

i. For those foreign teachers and international students who are in Chengdu now, please cooperate with school and community, accept real-name verification and body-temperature testing. Please do not go travel. Any problem, please contact International Office at first time.

2.在境外的外籍师生 尚未接到开学通知之前请不要提前入境返蓉返校。如在境外遇到防疫物资等方面的困难,请尽快告知所在学校,我们将尽最大努力给予帮助。如有极为特殊原因不得不提前返蓉,需要本人向学校提出申请,报学校批准同意后方可返蓉须在抵达后按照国家防疫要求接受14天隔离观察,身体无恙后才可以入住自己的公寓

ii. For those foreign teachers and international students who are out of China, please do not return to Chengdu or school in advance before you receive the notice of school opening. If you encounter difficulties on epidemic prevention materials or other problems overseas, please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our utmost to offer help. If there is very special reason that you have to return to Chengdu in advance, you need to apply to International Office at first and return after approval. Furthermore, it is essential for you to accept 14 days of isolation observation after your arrival in Chengdu. You can live in your apartment only after the 14 days isolation and you are in good health. 


The COVID-19 is the common enemy of mankind, and it is everyone's duty to fight against the epidemic. It is in the hope that you, the vast number of foreign teachers and international students and friends in China, in Chengdu Sport University, have full confidence and work together to win the battle against COVID-19. We firmly believe that, with your cooperation, we will be able to walk through the difficulties together and to overcome the epidemic!



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